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NaNoWriMo 2016: The Wolf Mother’s Child


Monday, 24th October 2016 – 13:24

Having signed up for NaNoWriMo again for the third time, I am hoping to avoid the pitfalls of my previous attempts, and have started planning my 2016 attempt.

I have chosen the novel that I would like to work on, and have just finished prepping a spreadsheet with my estimates and minimum writing limits to try to help me better track the attempt, but to really break it down, and make it seem more manageable.

In the past I have tried to blame my unfinished attempts on being “too busy” I realise this time, however, perhaps with the benefit of hindsight, that it is not about being busy, so much as it is about making time for something which until now has not been a priority.

I desire very much to write more often, even at some point for a living, if not exclusively, then at least in part. However, until now, writing hasn’t ever even become a true hobby for me, because I haven’t ever turned it into a daily practice. Completing a project is my only goal this year, regardless of quality, it’s about pushing myself to complete a project start to finish and in so doing, developing the way I write. After a month of writing daily, developing idea’s, and watching the project develop, I hope to change the way I write, and ultimately hope to change my life.

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