Personal Blog: Over Reacting

The Following is an extract from my Personal Log: Unknown Date (Between 06.09.14 - 12.04.15) I overreact to things. I already knew this about myself. But… For the first time in the longest time, I had a dream which I remember. I received a gift from an old family friend, a calendar with precious pictures... Continue Reading →

Personal Blog: The Beautiful Warrior II

Written on Tuesday, 18th September 2018: On the 8th September 2018 my mother’s physical journey ended. Where death for me has always come with a fear of nothingness, what her passing taught me is that the end of a physical existence is just the beginning of new existence. One in which the spirit and energy... Continue Reading →

I Had To Ask

Three times I've met you in the last year and each time, I am incredibly glad I had the notion to do so. The more time I spend around you, the more time I want to spend around you. Hours in your company never quite seem like enough time and even the topics which might... Continue Reading →

19th May 2017

One year ago today, I was at the very beginning of a mental breakdown that led me to write this. I shared it on Facebook at the time, but the words seem so powerful still that I wanted to share them again. This time as a reflection, and a reminder of where I have come... Continue Reading →

College Application

I just pressed 'Send'. I’ve been putting this off since January. I kept finding things I ‘needed to do’ first. After a while I realised I had written it time and time again in my head. I was putting it off because until I pressed send there was always the possibility that I could get... Continue Reading →

A Bloody Disgrace

“Would you look at that it’s ridiculous!” “Aye” “Imagine cutting the grass like that.” “Ah, know” “That field used to be looked after.” “Ah, know” “They cut it when it’s raining.” “Ah, know” “Now look, a bloody disgrace” “Ah, know” “It’s those kids I’m saying.” "Ah hear you hen.” “Are you listening?” “Aye.” “It’s those... Continue Reading →


Words. There are many words. Words which can be combined in an almost infinite combination. When used together they convey not just meaning but expression, emotion and purpose. Some words can hurt, others heal. Some words can be said quickly, without thought yet their effect can be lasting. Haunting. Words bring opportunity or condemn us.... Continue Reading →

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