30 Days of Micro-Fiction – Prompt 3 Responses

Prompt 3 – Write a story about a secret being kept or shared.

DS Coremans, Forever Distracted By Life

Prompt Responses:

Author’s Note: The last few days have been a lot of fun and also very busy, so many interesting post responses on my various social media platforms. Thanks to everyone taking part; your amazing micro-fiction is inspiring and is very much keeping me going. Hope you’re all enjoying the prompts. DSC

Six Word Story: (6 words)

This is my secret to tell.

DS Coremans, Facebook

Outside; I am still behind bars.

DS Coremans, Twitter

Maintain your external life from afar.

DS Coremans, Instagram

Help, I’m trapped in a pineapple!

Paul S, Facebook

After hard gardening, now enjoy it!

@mehrotra15j, Twitter

Trapped inside when outside is calling.

Kimberlynn W, Facebook

Tell my secret to me immediately.

Phil C, Facebook

I really liked this last six word story by Phil C, I thought the juxtaposition to the story I had written was really interesting.

Follow me on Facebook and share your six word stories there along with the hashtag #FoDiByLi.

Twitterature (280 characters)

To whom does beauty belong? Nature; crafted and tamed by the hands of man, to rival in precision the chaos of nature. Does created beauty belong to the artist, or to the eyes of those who behold. Only after the artist’s hand is no longer there to protect can art become beautiful.

DS Coremans, Twitter

Follow me on Twitter and share your Twitterature there along with these tags: (@DSCoremans 258 Characters #FoDiByLi = 280 characters total)

Dribble to Drabble (50 – 100 words)

I am in a space I know well. A space I created. A space which I have long held within my control. Now, these carefully maintained confines contain me. Can they give me everything I need, as I have given them. Will I grow with my roots bound? The grass grows after being cut; leaves return to bare branches after winter. Now winter seems endless and I feel my soil is barren; but still I grow. A habit of a lifetime, growth despite darkness, why stop now? This is where I learn I am a weed and not a flower.

DS Coremans, Forever Distracted By Life

Share any and all of your work in the comments below and remember to follow Forever Distracted By Life to see all posts and prompts shared during 30 Days of Micro-Fiction.

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